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Really interesting game. Very simple but effective. Great work!

I have no idea what this was ..but I enjoyed myself.

This was a very interesting game to say the least. It definitely creeped me out! Hope you guys enjoy my video and check out the other games I've played! I also make music if anyone wants to chill to that :) 

(3 edits)

The experience was soo much fun. I ate flesh and liked it; I just wish there was more flesh to eat. By the way, sorry you missed the deadline, but I hope it makes you feel better to know you made an incredible game.


Nice and different game

gameplay pt-br

Odd. Really odd. But good.

Check out some gameplay:


Creepy. It's awesome, but I wish you could eat the bad flesh after he says to, just to have an option of another freaky ending.


A very interesting game.

I would consume all the flesh and keep my bug friends

Fascinating and unsettling but very enjoyable!

Just a lot of things I liked about this, I always enjoy weird body stuff, cannibalism and the unknown, trying to piece it together.

Good Job ToothAndClaw!

the bugs would probably eat you


really cool and was actually disturbing. a lot of games are pretty cheap in there horror tactics and while this was pretty simple due to the conditions of this game, it was really good.


nicely disturbing, not like the others. now my classmates think im insane.



We played your fleshy video game on twitch and had fun.

The ending got me got goosebumps all over from it.

Thank you for this experience ToothandClaw! ^^

What's a little undercooked meat among friends?

I liked it very much. This is my Italian gameplay 

i Eat Girl Fleash =)

absolutely adore the animations and brilliant sound effects! (10/10) :D

Very strange, very good! I threw it together with some other scary games! thanks for this

Another good game by Dan McGrath, it was short but it definitely gave me the heebie jeebies. 

Really unnerving body horror game - but I was intrigued by the text/story! I was already theorizing what might be going on here. Great game! Thank you so much for sharing! (last game in video)

Very neat and creepy. I was quite a bit confused but I think I just had a case of the dumb.


it wasnt scary infact it was yummy nummy in my tummy


Great horror vibe in this game. Poor eric.


this happened to my buddy eric once


Fun short experience.  Does it matter if you never eat the bad flesh?  I'm not even 100% sure of what the bad flesh was.  The flesh with red on it?  Because those are the insects?  So many questions!  But fun time!


this was certainly something... no jumpscares, but it's definitely 1000% a horror game. It for sure shows that a scary game doesn't need jumpscares or loud noises so long as it's done correctly

this game was very interesting and it made me feel weird. But i liked the vibe of the game. It was fairly weird. i love eating people 

A horror game about eating flesh | Bad Flesh

Short fun little game. Very weird/interesting!!

very weird game,i liked it


great short game, nom nom nom


I don't know why, but this game was really fun to play lol

Can't wait for your next project!


This was good and very creepy! Good job! 

First in the line up. What a fascinating dive into weird .





gonna be honest with you i was pretty lost the whole game but that didn't take away from the un nerving feeling i had i still enjoyed the game wish it was a bit longer 8/10 from me cant wait to see what you do next! ~ Wang

very weird game this

man the jumpscare got me


What another amazing and creepy game! Truly disturbing, I definitely won't eat anymore bad flesh I promise. 

This was really mind bending.I had a lot of fun playing with the voices too. This just shows that games don't have to have amazing graphics to be terrifying!

I made a video if anyone would like to see: 

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