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One of the most unique short horror pieces I've played in a while, absolutely adored the old PC game feel and it made me uncomfortable in like 5 different ways, so sick

Crazy game..

Carcass is indeed a very unique, experimental horror experience. 

From the outset, the player is thrown into an ethereal world set in an apocalyptic wasteland. After having played the game, I was left wondering what would be occurring on the 'topside' world level, and what other fascinating characters could be implemented in a potential sequel.  I found the weird characters highly entertaining - where most would see the Witch as a tyrannical overlord I found her the player's salvation...but that could just be my twisted look on the situation!

The mechanic of having to dissect the bodies and consume the flesh was bordering on a repetitive streak after a few goes, and although the Kafka-esque 'bug collecting' was a welcoming break from that, I think to truly set this game a bar above other games of this ilk would ideally have the player interact with other mechanics too. Maybe after the first inoculation of the prisoner and 'yum yum brain juice' has been collected, the player could have other tasks to perform in the underground facility?

A highly entertaining game, and looking forward to seeing more like this in the future. Keep it weird. Keep it creepy. 


Cool game, was pretty spooky. Could use a few more "events" but it was still good.


hi! thank you for the experience. May I ask, was all pixelation/low-res done by a filter on the camera? I also got stuck on some collision on the edge of the map on the hills outside once exited the building at the end and couldn't finish. Let me know if you want video of that.


thanks for checking it out! It's a mixture of small camera filtering for some resolution but mostly low res textures and models. 

No need to send a video, I've seen some examples and should have a fix soon.


only glitch i ran into as well is locking yourself in the body disposer room? idk how to explain other than u kan see in my video on here i posted were it happend and i had 2 start over the game.. still a great game no biggie jst tellin u incase u did not know. 


i'm not really sure what to make of this.
i like the concept of a cannibalistic cult as one of the last refuges of life on earth, that follows a code in how they consume flesh,
and then it loses me...

story-wise, there aren't enough things established for me to care about what is not explained. results in me just accepting that eating flesh lets you see insects, which turn to some kind of liquid which turns some person into an insect too.
i just dont feel like looking for answers if my mind cant even imagine any explaination.
the script itself also reads like sweet nothings, too much fluff and no real substance.

as for gameplay, seeing how little progress is done with each cycle and having *anything* happen at predictable moments put me into a time optimization mindset in the first 5 minutes. that's the worst place you can have your player be in a short horror experience like this one. i should be immersed into the situation, not trying to take tight corners running back and forth through the same corridor.

i'm a big fan of horror "work simulators" like 'carbon steel' by mike klubnika, which also push you at getting efficient. but the best ones do it by pressuring you through the environment, actual danger approaching.
but here, there is no pressure, there is no danger and the "work" you do, involves no skill of any kind, the mechanics arent interesting as "inspecting organs to find edible ones" sounds.

there is merit here! the concept itself made me try this game in the first place!
others also seem to enjoy the story, it might just not have clicked with me, which is fine.
but for this genre, the gameplay could really use some balancing and another layer of depth, that you're spending more time, doing the thing, than preparing it.

that being said, i'm definitely checking out your future projects!


Thanks for feedback, i appreciate it!


Waw penasaran sih sama tokoh utamanya gimana bentukannya apakah kayak mahluk yg hitam tu atau bentukannya kayak serangga. 


Game's great! Reminds me Philip Dick.


A delightfully horrid little experience, with some wonderful worldbuilding. I'm just happy the Lamb got to walk free for at least a little while.


This game was amazing! really recommend  you play it


what a game, enoyed it very much :D


Un juego muy tétrico jaja pero me encanto 10/10

Gameplay en Español 


I hope everyone here enjoys this game.


that was an interesting game but I did enjoy it though


Very interesting little game. I liked the concept. Nice job.


I thought this was absolutely brilliant the unique style of the game was brilliant i was super into the story it left a lot of questions but that i find makes the game interesting even more because it provides people to talk about it and debate what actually happened, all in all i thought this was so good and so interesting i felt like this could of really benefited from multiple endings like if you eat a piece of bad meet then it gave you a different ending you know but all in all though fantastic!

hi ,, do u want to make a collab ??


So many bodies, but very well done, one of the better games on!


crazy game and nice job! Made a video on it! 

(2 edits) (+2)

love the gameplay and the concept full gameplay!!



everytime I see you post, i get super excited. Thanks again for another gritty, meaty experience :)

Full P lay NO Commentary


With this, you've created another extraordinary, thought-provoking horror outing full of otherworldly atmosphere and lore. A cool embellishment of your previous game Bad Flesh. Cheers! 


Wow! The game is really intriguing. The atmosphere and tension of the game about what the creature could be and what exactly the world is like, encourages you to look for the details of the game. Great work!


What an experience. It tells so little, yet, the possibilities for imagination are so vast.

Say, is it a mistake that liver wasn't included into the list of things you can or cannot eat? I am not sure if this influenced anything at all.


thanks for checking it out! 

Livers aren't essential to the ritual <3 

(1 edit) (+2)

I must say I really enjoyed this game. I was very interested in everything that was happening from beginning to end. The artstyle is really good as well. 
Just wondering though, is there some kind of meaning that u had in mind while creating this cryptic game?


Thanks for playing it! Glad you dug it!

I had a few things in mind but id rather leave it open to interpretation. 


I like that Idea! Thanks for the response!


really cool game!


Thanks for making a vid!


Dia duit ma chara! Fantastic as always! Love the Metal Gear/ Tomb Raider graphics & vibes! Keep up the good work! :)


Great game for sure

The game is really interesting. Especially in the final part. I was very curious to see what the creature looked like, but I couldn't and... the developer didn't want to show it. The objective was to leave the mystery and I liked the decision. 


thanks for making a video and checking the game out. 

btw- you can see the creature if you turn around quick enough 😉


Awesome game! Thanks for making it


Included this in my 3 random horror game video!
Yeah, this definitely could've used it's own video as I did misinterpret what you meant by "short" but besides that this was a truly solid game, like how just weird and creepy it is, and the story is pretty good. Made a video on it.


what an incredible experience! I'm so in love with this world you've created, thank you for this game!


thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it <3 


great jobs


This was an awesome game my friend!! Very unique, awesome story and strange world you created. Great graphics it really felt very H.R. Giger. I enjoyed it all and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow!

This is The most disturbing and great indie short horror game in Q1 2024 which I have ever played. Awesome game, ToothandClaw!


That was a really fun journey, the atmosphere, visuals and the way you presented lore was really cool!


love the game wow :):):):)


A nasty, gruesome little thing. Adored it. 

high praise! Thank you!


Nice again absolutely great game  i really  liked it well done keep it up!

Thanks so much for checking it out! Glad to hear you liked it!


The visuals are beyond amazing, I absolutely love this game :)


thanks so much! Glad you like it!

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